I remember

This is one of my favorite song..
It feels so nice listen to this when it rains outside and drink a cup of warm chocolate milk..

I remember...
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
I remember...
When we caught a shooting star, yes I remember
I remember...
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember...
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

Do you remember... ?
When we were dancing in the rain in that December
And I remember...
When my father thought you were a burglar
I remember...
All the things that we shared, and the promise we made, just you and I
I remember...
All the laughter we shared, all the wishes we made, upon the roof at dawn

I remember...
The way you read your books,
Yes I remember
The way you tied your shoes,
Yes I remember
The cake you loved the most,
Yes I remember
The way you drank you coffee,
I remember
The way you glanced at me, yes I remember
When we caught a shooting star,
Yes I remember
When we were dancing in the rain in that December
And the way you smile at me,
Yes I remember

Perahu Kertas

I've just finished read this novel about two days ago and it makes me feel so comfy (the feelings that I've got after eat yoghurt, watch romantic movie, hear the song I like, and read an amazing book)..

This novel tells about the life of two different people, Keenan and Kugy. Keenan is a painter while Kugy is a writer. Their world is so different but they can make a creation together that is a fairytale book which written by Kugy, that ilustrated with Keenan's painting.

And unexpectedly, yesterday when I packed my old books and papers, I found two "coretan" si Mas that ilustrated with my pencil sketch. I almost forget if I didn't find them. ^^

I hate you but feel pity for you...

Hate this situation...

When you've got an idea or something that you've found then suddenly someone stole it from you...

I feel pity for you...

That means:
You can't do what I've done
You don't have what I've got

(Jadi teringat cerita di novel "Titanium" + kelakuan salah satu negara tetangga kita)

Found a Treasure in GedeBage

Here's what I found after went around almost all of Gedebage area (actually it's not me who saw it for the first time, but si mas did)

with houndstooth pattern ^^
and just guess how much it costs......

Akhirnya seminar juga...Tinggal ngebut pengerjaan ni aplikasi..Hahaha..
I'll become a programmer (ga juga si klo dibantuin Cin2 mah) ;p

Jadi pengen jalan2..

Oiya,,temen2 kampusqu...Comment-in abstraksi yang ditempel di gd. C lt.2 itu yaaaaa...Hihiyyy...

oh No!! I become Choki2 Addict now

Duuuh,,,lagi bocor2nya makan ni....
Puasa juga tetep aja pas bukanya bales dendam..Udah makan nasi+lauk+sayur mayur jam 7 malem tiba2 jam 11 melem beli nasi goreng arang (eh sekarang jadi nasi goreng gas ding,,uda ga pake tungku arang lagi)
Mana sekarang lagi kcanduan choki2 ^^
(Teringat perkataan si Mas "Ko perut si yang dimancungin bukan idung Sayang??")

today,,I was bored then...HAPPY.....

Dari tadi pagi maleeeeees banget,,males blajar,,males mandi,,males nyanyi,,males nonton tipi (ckckck,tinggal nonton ko males)..

Akhirnya mandi juga jam 11.30,,hehehe

Sore2 si Mas dateng trus ngajak pergi nyari M2..
(Dengan wajah berbinar2) "Mauuuuuuuuu,,daripada males2an di kos"

Akhirnya kita ke BeMall..
Beda banget sama BEC yang penuh sesak,,di BeMall itu S E P I..
Ga cuma pengunjungnya,,tapi yang jualan juga sepi..Padahal sama2 "Bandung Electronic" ;p

Setelah dapet si M2,,kita b'2 ke food court buat nyobain+registrasi kartunya..
Abis itu berWiFi ria selama 3 jam.. ^^
Nah sepi disana membawa kbruntungan juga..Biasanya klo di BEC koneksinya lemot bgt,,trus suka g dapet colokan kabel..Tapi di BeMall,,baru juga ngeklik langsung nyambung (ga segitunya juga si,,hehehe)..Trus trus view di food court juga bagus..Kliatan bgt gunung Tangkuban Perahu sama gunung-gunung laen (Jadi inget view dari ruang TA Learning Centre kampus yang aga2 mirip gitu)..

Oiya..Ni beberapa HotSpot yang lumayan kenceng yang udah gw coba..Sorry ga nyertain brapa kcepatannya..
1. BeMall (Jl.Naripan)
2. Ampera (Jl. Buah Batu yang di samping Griya)
3. McD (Jl. Buah Batu yang juga di samping Griya)

Ada lagi yang laen ga yaaaaa??Lumayan download video cepet trus gratis,,hahahaha

lagi seneng liat iniiiiiii......

Iseng2 penghilang stress TA ni...

she' s so cute..
This 4 years old girl can speak English and Japanese very well..
Of course,,because she has Japanese Mom and American Dad..


Girls' Generation or SNSD,,
for you who like to sing and dance,,just watch their videos..
one of their videos

Diana Rika Sari's blog,,
gayanya unik n lucu2..

Nguping Jakarta,,
baca ini trus ngakak2 mpe pagi ;p


1.20 a.m.
it's me,,cin2,,and ka cumz yang masih ON sampe jam segini..
Apalagi klo bukan karena Fban,,Twitteran,,NgasKus,,sampe liat Fashion blog ^^

we'll see
sampe jam berapa kita bertahan

my first shot

this is my first shot in blogging ^^

hope y'all enjoy my sleepy,,clumsy,,funny "stories"

lophe ya

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